fmaples Fashion jewelry with you to learn some of the taboo of wearing pearl earrings

fmaples Fashion jewelry with you to learn some of the taboo of wearing pearl earrings

What are the taboos of wearing pearl earrings

When wearing pearl earrings, it is necessary to pay attention to the following taboos to ensure the maintenance and wearing effect of pearls:

Avoid contact with chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, etc. The surface of pearls is easily damaged by chemicals, so contact with these substances should be avoided when wearing pearl earrings.

When applying makeup, perfume or shampooing hair, it is best to remove pearl earrings first to prevent chemicals from corroding the surface of the pearl and causing discoloration or loss of luster.

Avoid prolonged exposure to water and humidity, swimming, bathing, hot springs, etc. Although pearls are closely related to water, pearl jewelry is afraid of water. Whether it's swimming, bathing or hot springs,

Pearl earrings should be avoided. Because if the water penetrates into the pearl, it will cause the pearl layer to break away, thus damaging the pearl.

Similarly, it is not advisable to soak the pearl earrings in water for a long period of time, which can cause the water to enter the inside of the pearl, which is difficult to dry off, and may even ferment inside, further damaging the pearl.

Avoid high temperatures and exposure to the sun. Superheated temperatures will accelerate the breakdown of pearl beads, so you should avoid exposing your pearl earrings to high temperatures, such as near a stove or heating system.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also cause the pearl to darken in color, lose luster and even turn yellow. Therefore, when outdoor activities, it is best to avoid exposing pearl earrings to the sun for a long time.

Avoid contact with hard objects, pearls are relatively soft and easily scratched. Therefore, when storing or wearing, you should avoid placing pearl earrings with sharp objects to avoid scratches.

Avoid improper wearing and storage, it is best not to wear pearl earrings when cooking or carrying out activities in contact with oil smoke, so as to avoid pollution of oil smoke and oil.

Pearl earrings should be stored separately in soft cloth bags or special jewelry boxes, to avoid mixing with other jewelry or hard objects. At the same time, pearl jewelry can not be placed in a sealed box for a long time, and it needs to be breathable regularly to avoid the pearl turning yellow.Avoid choosing unsuitable styles, pearl earrings should not be too many beads, too many beads will appear frivolous, giving people a sense of sensationalism. Pendant earring boom should not be too long, too long will appear awkward and easy to break, but also easy to lose.

When wearing pearl earrings, you need to pay attention to the above taboos to ensure the maintenance and wearing effect of pearls. With the right wear and care methods, you can make pearl earrings more beautiful and lasting。